국방 장관은 '실종'핵 실험 기록을 찾는다

2024년 11월 21일 23시 56분
[Anchor]The National Tax Service has investigated individuals with significant assets who have not paid taxes, recovering or securing 2.5 trillion won this year.These individuals have used various methods to evade taxes.Reporter Hwang Hyun-kyu reports.[Report]As the plastic wrap is removed from a kimchi container, a neatly stacked pile of 50,000 won bills is revealed.There is 200 million won in cash inside the container, and the drawer was also filled with cash.This is the scene where the National Tax Service raided the residence of a tax delinquent who transferred money earned from selling land into accounts under their children's names without paying taxes.The National Tax Service collected 1.1 billion won from four addresses of the children.["We will forcibly open the door in the presence of police officers."]As police officers and National Tax Service staff entered, the tax delinquent strongly resisted.["Get out of the way, get out of the way! (Calm down a bit) Hey! I say I would pay taxes!"]The resistance was so fierce that the police had to seize a weapon, but the National Tax Service secured 600 million won worth of high-end bags and artworks.The National Tax Service has tracked down 696 high-value tax delinquents who have assets but have not paid taxes.Some have hidden their assets by keeping cash in safes or investing in gold bars and artworks, but many delinquents have gone even further.They have taken out high-value life insurance policies overseas in their spouse's name to hide their wealth or invested in virtual assets under family names.The National Tax Service is responding by implementing virtual asset tracking programs.[Ahn Deok-soo/National Tax Service: "With the virtual asset tracking program, we can track the flow from a specific account A to an account B...."]This year, the National Tax Service has collected or secured 2.5 trillion won in delinquent taxes.Although the largest amount ever is expected, there is still over 100 trillion won that has not been collected.This is KBS News Hwang Hyun-kyu.
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