영국에서 해체 선박, 드론 및 헬리콥터에서 £ 500m를 절약

2024년 11월 20일 23시 55분
[Anchor]Doctors and others who recklessly administered strictly controlled medical narcotics like propofol have been caught and are being prosecuted.It has been revealed that they effectively ran a drug business, administering narcotics as much as desired for just one million won per hour.This is a report by Kim Young-hoon.[Report]A woman enters a hospital building.About eight hours later, a hospital staff member helps the woman, who is staggering, into a taxi.The next day, another woman came in and, similarly, after staying for about eight hours, received help from the same staff member to leave.["Stay right there! Stay right there!!"]The hospital caught by the prosecution has been illegally administering medical narcotics like propofol and etomidate to those who wanted it.The amount administered was determined by the head of the consultation room, costing about one million won per hour.Nurse aides administered injections without the supervision or prescription of a doctor, and there were cases where individuals received injections for over ten hours.They opened the hospital doors even in the early morning when addicts requested it, and one addict received injections worth 200 million won over seven months.[Kim Bo-sung/Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office: "They just administer the drugs. They are essentially running a drug business within a medical institution."]It has been revealed that this hospital administered narcotics more than 400 times, totaling over 1.46 billion won, over a period of about seven months since November of last year.To hide the large amounts of narcotics administered, it was also discovered that they made false reports to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's integrated narcotics management system over 800 times.The prosecution has charged 32 individuals, including hospital officials and habitual users, and among them, six, including the hospital's founder in their 70s and a doctor in their 60s, have been arrested and indicted.This is KBS News, Kim Young-hoon.
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